Talk to me, Goose.
I love hearing from you. Whether you have a question for me, a helpful suggestion, or even a garden picture to share, I’m all ears.
Of course, I get a crazy amount of emails so while I try my very best to answer each and every one, sometimes the answers might not be timely.
If you have a question that you need an urgent answer to, the best way to get that answer is by commenting on a post or on Facebook. Not only will that grab my attention, but your question just might be shared by other readers. If that’s the case, that one answer might accidentally answer multiple questions. Sharing the knowledge love is what we’re all about here. Speaking of, when you post a public question that way, sometimes my super smart readers chime in with all of their experience and expertise and everyone wins. It takes a village, I tell ya.
Speaking of expertise, I have none. I have experience—years of it—but there’s a difference. I certainly not a gardening expert. I’ve been around the block a time or two and I’m willing to share all of that knowledge I’ve gained from trial and error, but if you’re looking for a gardening expert, I’m not your gal!
If snail mail is your jam, you can slap a stamp on it and mail it to me here:
Mavis Butterfield
P.O Box 2083
Gig Harbor, Washington 98335
If you need to contact me about sponsorships, advertising, media opportunities, or for any other reason under the sun, just fill out the form below. Simple as that!